What Can Quantum Computers Do More Efficiently Than Regular Computers

Quantum computers have stirred immense excitement for their potential to revolutionize scientific fields by tackling problems too immense for even the most powerful classical supercomputers.

As the technology continues progressing at a breakneck pace, real world use cases are emerging that showcase quantum computing’s advantages.

So how exactly do these quantum devices achieve exponential speedups unattainable by regular processors?

Let’s explore in depth what quantum algorithms and hardware bring to the table versus their traditional counterparts.

Quantum computers have processing capabilities that exceed what regular computers can achieve due to their ability to use principles of quantum mechanics.

Their large context window allows quantum computers to analyze more data than regular computers which are limited by traditional circuits.

Comparison between Quantum Computers and Regular Computers Regarding Simulation and Optimization:

One of the primary strengths of quantum computers lies in their ability to efficiently simulate and optimize enormously complex systems through leveraging intrinsic quantum effects.

Classical bits are restricted to representing discrete binary 1s and 0s, severely limiting the scale of problems that can be simulated to toy sizes on even the largest supercomputers.

In comparison, quantum bits or “qubits” have the ability to exist in superpositions of states representing multiple possibilities simultaneously.

This exponential expressiveness is key for tackling simulations classically intractable. Consider for example molecular modeling, where the number of quantum interactions between even a simple molecule’s constituent atoms increases quadratically with each additional atom.

With just 100 atoms, the dimension of the associated quantum problem is an unmanageable 2100.

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No classical computer could hope to directly model such high dimensional situations, but the task is well within the native abilities of quantum hardware.

As an illustrative demonstration, researchers at IBM successfully used their 5 qubit quantum computer to simulate the quantum dynamics of hydrogen molecules, achieving quadratic scaling better than any classical technique.

The team leveraged qubits’ quantum properties to directly represent the complex multi dimensional wavefunctions that emerge from hydrogen’s nuclear electron dynamics at a molecular level.

Extrapolating to more atoms remains ongoing work but the results showcase quantum computing’s inherent edge.

Realizing Exponential Speedups with Quantum Algorithms Unmatched Classically:

On contrary to regular computers, quantum computer’s powerful abilities are their unique algorithms that have no direct equivalent on classical architectures.

A prime example is Shor’s Integer Factorization Algorithm, which provides an exponential speedup for prime factoring compared to classical techniques.

This was famously demonstrated in 2000 by Lucent Technologies when they used a 7 qubit NMR quantum computer to factor the number 15 into 3 and 5.

Aside from factorization, other quantum algorithms also afford exponential advantages. For instance, Grover’s Search Algorithm improves quadratic speedups for sorted database search problems by leveraging quantum parallelism.

Meanwhile, the HHL (Harrow Hassidim Lloyd) algorithm promises to solve systems of linear equations up exponentially faster than classical methods through encoding the problem into a quantum state followed by measurements.

Applying these quantum algorithms in practice is already bearing fruit.

For instance, IBM employed an HHL variant to conduct portfolio optimization problems exponentially larger than feasible classically.

The quantum device succeeded in just minutes what conventional solvers estimated would require a decade.

And Chinese quantum startup Anthropic achieved over 100x speedups in AI model parameter fitting through their quantum classical hybrid neural network architecture Q LEAP.

The upshot is that by taking advantage of quantum effects like superposition, algorithms exist for tackling classes of problems probably faster than classical approaches.

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Although perfecting hardware is ongoing work, the algorithms’ scalability suggests future advances could see quantum computers impacting optimization, machine learning and other fields at scales changing what problems can realistically be addressed.

quantum computers assisst

Classical Simulation Barriers Block Progress on Massive Challenges:

While NISQ devices today remain limited to certain applications, the potential for quantum advantage escalates as systems grow from desktop prototypes to future fault tolerant arrays with millions of qubits.

Even just simulating chemical reactions of modest real world sizes or training deep neural networks with billions of parameters faces roadblocks on today’s largest supercomputers.

Scaling up classical models to encompass natural complexities at a global level remains a distant goal.

As a telling example, Google reported their most powerful classical computers would require around 10,000 years to match a task their Sycamore quantum chip completed in 200 seconds, as verified with a technique called Supremacy Sampling.

While this demonstration did not solve a specific equation, it highlighted quantum computing’s’ ability to surpass known classical algorithms.

Other calculations like modeling protein folding hold similarly difficult scalability limitations preventing advancement.

A Glimpse of Quantum Computing’s Solution Landscape for Industry Problems:

With continual progress, quantum computers could materially assist domains including:

  • Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals: Quantum chemical simulations and combinatorial optimization aid molecular discovery for new drugs, fertilizers and materials. For example, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca partnered with PBC to develop quantum models accelerating drug design.
  • Materials Science: Optimization of crystalline structures, alloy compositions and material properties could occur through quantum approaches examining huge configuration spaces. Recent work shows quantum advantage in battery material discovery.
  • Machine Learning: Quantum neural networks may help address classical limitations for AI models requiring petabyte or exabyte scales. Usage from database search to reinforcement learning holds potential.
  • Logistics and Supply Chains: Traffic flows, package routing, infrastructure capacity planning could benefit from quantum optimization handling problems at an order of magnitude beyond classical feasible sizes.
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Several large firms and governments increasingly invest in productive areas like quantum chemistry.

Meanwhile, new startups focus on vertical applications from drug discovery to AI, risk analysis to games. The future of quantum computation remains unpredictable but its demonstrated capacity to impact global sustainability challenges holds immense significance.

Although quantum technologies have farther to progress, experimentation gives hope their unique capabilities may open computational vistas solving issues presently intractable classically.

Combining improvements in algorithms, error mitigation strategies and ever larger quantum volumes should only strengthen such applications.

With continued support, quantum may deliver results advancing science, engineering and business in surprising ways within the coming decade.

Quantum Algorithms


Q. What can a quantum computer do that a regular computer canโ€™t?

A. Analyze data with a large set of constraints.

Q. How are quantum computers more efficient?

A. Built in parallelism is the key to the power of quantum computers.

Q. What is the advantage of a quantum computer?

A. Quantum Computers offer accelerated computational speeds, enabling organizations to perform computations at unprecedented rates.

Q. Will quantum computers replace normal computers?

A. Quantum computers will augment classical computing for the majority of work they will do for the foreseeable future.

Q. What is the limitation of quantum computers now?

A. Quantum computers are sensitive to noise and difficult to calibrate.


Quantum computers do much more tasks then regular computers. Quantum computers hold immense promise for problems exponentially beyond classical capabilities through harnessing intrinsic quantum effects.

Today’s demonstrations provide glimpses into quantum advantage domains from optimization to simulation.

As this nascent field rapidly innovates, whole industries seem poised to benefit from its transformative solutions.

The full potential of this technology and its widespread impacts developing remain impossible to foresee but certain to surprise us. An exciting future of quantum progress lies ahead.

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